пятница, 22 июля 2016 г.

Bolt Action - Tank War, game two

A rematch of previous game:

At this time we decided to make a wide front instead of bottleneck, which (as i thought) could help Germans to get some revenge from first (and bitter) defeat.

During the 1st turn initiative was completely on the side of Germans, leaving Russians only able to react:

Right after the 1st turn, the game fell into two separate battles -
Tiger vs Sherman in the fields and main battlegroups on the edge of the village.
Unlike the first game, Russians decided to push forward at maximum speed, leaving Germans in defence.

At the turn 2, Tiger managed to immobilize the Sherman (Gustav, shoot higher, mein Gott!), however they kept firing at each other without much effect...

During the same time, Soviets were coming closer and closer, enjoying KV-1 being almost invulnerable to German cannons and receiving only concussions (note that "Hit" die on T-34 maks immobilise received from Pz III):

Just like during the first game, turns 5 and 6 decided everything:
In the fields, IS-3 silently came to the Tiger's flank, blowing it apart and heading to Panthers, while main force blowed Pz III and PZ IV without taking much damage:

And againg left Germans completely frustrated.

I can't really explain double loss of Germans other than extremely bad dice roll results, which outweighed any advances in cannons or numbers.
IS-3 got shot only one time (with a miss), basically making his armor useless compared to way cheaper IS-2 (which enjoys the same cannon) and KV-1 one more proved to be the most (surprisingly) resilent unit, taking lots of cannonfire without any dramanic outcomes.

And "cinematic" photo of Soviets advancing aduring the second game:

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